Friday, 21 October 2011

this is my story


assalamualaikum and hi to all readers,

in most of herbalife events, they will encourage us to share our own story of how the products have helped us healthier. i always thought that my story will never be interesting and people will never wanna know any thing about it.

tapi kan when you keep quiet and tak cerita apa2 to anybody, somehow you will lose the passion utk jadi lebih sihat. thats what happen to me.

thanks to my coach i selalu share dengan dia, and through sharing kita dapat semangat baru.

during my practicum days, i selalu sakit, demam for unknown reason, after a month tetiba demam pun datang paling kemuncak, my leher ada satu benjol mcm swelling. i thought itu beguk ka, tonsil bengkak ka, so i just ignored it. after a week mcm tu x hilang2 i jumpa doktor, sbb bengkak makin besar. and even doc pun x tau apa punca.

to cut a long story short, after days of waiting, i balik ke kedah utk dapatkan treatment and pandangan doktor since my mother kenal ramai doktor kt kedah. after my visit to KMC and jumpa pakar, the impression based on result yg i dapat shows tanda2 utk i dapat TB or lymphoma. tp since i x batuk2 so most likely lymphoma. 3/4 doctor yg i jumpa percaya its lymphoma. (if xtau u all boleh google, remember, google is magic!)

bila balik rumah i duduk diam2, fikir balik, mcm mana ni, i supposed to be a health coach. i helped others utk jadi lebih sihat, tp i pulak yg sakit..

cepat2 i istighfar, semua ni ketentuan Allah, ujian Allah untuk hambanya lain2... my husband dah demam dh sbb terkejut, i guess dia risau sgt kot.. since i love my husband so dearly, i wanna repay my mother and father, and i have not done enough deeds yet and i takot mati jugak, i determine nk sihat. i have to.

doktor mungkin boleh bagi opinion macam2, tp doctors are not God. jadi hanya pada Allah tempat kita semua mengadu.

jadi cara-cara yg kita patut buat adalah :

1. ambil wuduk, solat dua rakaat mohon pada Allah untuk di sembuhkan penyakit dan mintak petunjuk utk ubati penyakit. 

2. usaha. cthnya dgr nasihat org if org suggest utk makan ubat apa2, mcm my case, my coach nasihatkan i utk makan aloe and tea byk2. and so, i follow. every morning breakfast mesti kena makan 1, 2, 3.

3. tawakkal. lepas dah usaha berserah pada Allah semoga Allah bg ketentuan yg terbaik utk kita..

‎"And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me; Who will cause me to die, and then to life (again); And who, I hope, will forgive me my faults on the day of Judgment. (26:80-82)

alhamdulillah berkat doa semua dan izin Allah, bengkak dkt my lymph nodes dah makin surut, although x fully recover. but i sangka baik pada Allah, semoga Allah sembuhkan penyakit ni,... in the mean time, baca manzil byk2, solat hajat banyak2, minum aloe, tea and shake byk2...

pls pray for me. =)

1 comment:

  1. Insyaallah things will get better...jgn risau ye aiman...akak tahu aiman kuat & you always inspired pray will always be with you..take care dear...

    p/s : hadoyaii...tak sabar rasanya nak sampai kedah..hehe
