Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Untuk membayar duit minyak, duit tol, parking, dan nasi.



being a student, a trainee teacher and recently got myself married to the love of my life, is indeed too much to handle all at once. but i am enjoying every bits of it. well, now that i have got myself a husband, we both wanted something extra so that our journey as husband and wife will be better. Being an Independent Distributor of Herbalife provides us with the "something extra". I am not  merely selling products to my customer, but i provide them with advice, i guide them, i checke up on them every week and more. My mother always said that i can never be a business woman because my blood line has always been about helping people. But i enjoy doing herbalife because i help people become healthier, and at the same time i earn some money. u see, i am not really a healthy and fit kind of person. i am fat and i have very poor health condition. but now that i have a husband, and i wanna build my life with him, i wanna have kids, i wanna grow old, drinking coffee in cameron highland, watching our grandchildren running around, and we both look into each other eyes and thank each other for all the wonderful memories we both have created.. i wanna do all that, that is why i think it is important for me to be healthy. i know that if i dont do it now, i'll die soon, having diabetic, heart attack, or i will be stuck on my bed, cause i am too fat, i can hardly move. 

i love doing what i am doing right now, i earn some extra cash, and able to enjoy myself with my husband. i dont do this because i wanna look beautiful, or because i wanna be rich. i do this because i care about the people around me, and i do not want them to worry about me. i do this because i wanna have something extra so that we can pay the fuel, the toll, parking ticket. 

if you are reading this, i am inviting you to join me and make this world, or Malaysia at least, a healthier country and at the same time reduce poverty. 

i found this article really useful, read this if you still have doubt to join Herbalife. It is not about making money, it is about making people healthy. Money is just the reward you that you'll get. but for all the muslim, pahala lagi penting ok. 

Global Obesity Drives Growth For Herbalife

Featured Stocks

  • HLF *
    Herbalife Ltd

* Top-Rated Company
The economy may be losing steam, but companies marketing weight-loss and nutrition products keep getting fatter.
Take Herbalife (HLF), which just reported its seventh straight quarter of double-digit sales and profit growth. It also hauled in lots of free cash — $127 million in the quarter.
It was also the third straight quarter that beat Wall Street profit views, sending the stock up 10%, 13% and 6%, respectively, each time.
"We have a lot of momentum," said Chief Financial Officer John DeSimone in a phone call. "The products are relevant, and the new distribution methods are reaching deeper into communities."
The core products, which include low-calorie nutritious shakes, or "meal replacements," appeal to consumers looking to lose weight.
That's apparently a large market, indeed. According to industry watchers, about a third of Americans are obese, and more than 1 billion globally are just plain overweight.
"Globally, you're seeing obesity becoming a growing trend," said Anand Vankawala, an analyst with Avondale Partners.
Shake Mix
That trend is helping to fuel interest in Herbalife's Formula 1 shake mix, which makes up 30% of sales, and other products. Its next biggest sellers are herbal teas and aloe-concentrate drinks.
About 20% of sales are in supplements, such as vitamins.
"We consider ourselves more of a functional-food company than a supplements company," DeSi-mone said.
The company's top three drink products make up 50% of sales and are sold by the drink at a growing number of nutrition clubs formed by distributors around the world — roughly 70,000 now.
These group gatherings of like-minded people looking to take off pounds are fueling much of Herbalife's growth these days.
"That is the fastest-growing segment of their business," Vankawala said.
The clubs are also at the heart of the company's new business model, which is transitioning from a traditional, direct-selling model in which distributors interact with customers only sporadically as they sell them products in bulk, typically on a monthly basis.
Under the new "daily consumption" model, distributors have almost daily contact with customers, mainly through nutrition clubs in their homes or in leased storefronts.
There, they prepare and sell drinks to invited guests, who share testimonials on their weight-loss progress. Guests are encouraged to bring their friends and family.
Distributors are also setting up "weight loss challenges" in office lunchrooms and other venues, spurring people to lose weight by using Herbalife products and, like in the clubs, sharing testimonials.


Monday, 15 August 2011

Kita Adalah Roti Canai, Teh Tarik,



sy adalah satu org yang sangat suka makan..i enjoy my food. i love food! nasi lemak, mee goreng basah pataya, tom yam, ape lagi, steak, steamboat, burger, pizza...owh semua nya ya..

saya juga suka sayur dan air..tp duduk asrama ni susah nk dpt air elok...dgn air berkarat sape nk minum? sayur pulak mahal sini, so makan nasi goreng je la...

basically, makanan everyday x well balanced..and air selalu tak cukup..

as a result CONSTIPATION! sembelit berpanjangan... semua tahu tak yang kita kena p toilet buang air besar 2 times a day? bru sihat.. so yang pergi 3 kali seminggu tu jangan la rasa anda sihat sgt wpun kurus ok, mungkin anda tu org yg migrain, masalah kulit, hormon x stabil..semua ni pun masalah jugak ok,

we are what we eat.

semua masalah mula dari perut..anda percaya ke x??? sy dulu x percaya... tp sekarang percaya.. cuba tgk video ni...kita semua cuba utk belajar ok, jgn skeptikal sgt...

saya ada masalah constipation since 2007..alhamdulillah not anymore..

i have tried semua produk yang ada utk masalah constipation ni, fiber? sy dah amik..sy dah amik byk sgt.. and now only i learn that ambil fiber on its on buat kita dependent terhadapny..bila x makan fiber x pg toilet...and as a result, sbb fiber ni dia cleanse kan kolon kita, makan byk2 fiber macam u slalu cuci lantai la, cuci lantai guna pencuci tiap2 hari lama2 akan terhakis..so perut sy pun terhakis mcm tu jugak...then, datang pulak gastrik..

so mari kita ubah cara pemakanan kita ok,

read the information below :

Stress, coffee, cigarette smoke and poor eating habits can upset the stomach and impair digestion. Aloe juice drink brings relief.
Key Benefits:
  • Supports internal cleansing and overall health.
  • Soothes the digestive system and upset stomachs.
  • Delicious citrus flavor tastes great.
  • Great fat burner for your weight loss program.
  • Mixes well with juice and beverages.
The natural alternative to carbonated beverages.

Chances are you've been consuming too many soft drinks. Or you've been overindulging in coffee and tea. That adds up to a lot of sugar. Drinking too much tea or coffee actually robs your body of nutrients. Plus a non-diet soft drink contains at least six teaspoons of sugar. And artificial sweeteners actually can induce hunger (not so hot for someone on a weight-loss program).

Instead of enduring a temporary sugar rush that leaves you feeling drained, look to Herbal Aloe Concentrate. A scientifically developed beverage that contains the organic nutrients found in the aloe vera plant. The great-tasting result is a beverage that helps soothe your digestive system and assists the natural self-cleansing actions of your body.

By taking advantage of the beneficial properties found in aloe juice, you also help meet your daily water quota. Medical experts recommend that you drink at least eight glasses of water each day for the systems in your body to function properly and at peak efficiency. Herbal Aloe Drink helps you meet that need while
also promoting good digestive health.

Enjoy the benefits of aloe for the skin and hair too with Herbalife Herbal Aloe Skin and Hair Care lines.

Herbal Aloe Benefits

Aloe Vera - the miracle plantAloe Vera Concentrate is a botanical purgative the releases bile into the small intestine.
  • Assists in the peristaltic action of the intestinal tract.
  • Soothing lubricant for internal and external use.
  • Helps heal ulcers.
  • Helps many kinds of skin disease e.g. skin cancer, dandruff, dermatitis, etc.
  • Excellent for burns, helps clear up acne.
Chamomile Extract is an antispasmodic, sedative and sleep aid.
  • Excellent nerve tonic used for headaches, fever, muscle cramps and pain.
  • Used in the treatment of rheumatism and arthritis.
  • Helps alleviate cold and asthma symptoms.

i have tried this and fuhh, lepas makan mmg akan ke toilet..mula2  tu mmg la rasa, aduh leceh la p toilet every now and  then, biasa la x reti syukur..tp lepas tu bru igt, eh2, before this mana ada kerap ke toilet mcm ni...nmpak sgt brg2 khazanah alam terpendam kt dalam tu semua nk keluar...alhamdulillah...

so cubalah hari ni, !!

insyaAllah..apa pun baca doa dlu, mintak dengan Allah supaya sembuhkan...produk ni semua hanya makhluk...kuasa menyembuhkan itu hanya pada Allah jua..

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Selamatkan Jantung Kita!



dah lama tak update blog ni..hari ni saya nk introduce kepada semua readers saya, satu jawapan kepada masalah jantung.

dalam keluarga saya, especially sebelah bapa, memang ada siri-siri orang yang menghidap penyakit jantung. semua ini di sebabkan kolestrol yang tinggi. bila kolestrol kita tinggi, salur2 darah kita akan tersumbat dan jantung akan ada masalah.

Baru-baru ni Herbalife Malaysia telah launch satu produk sebagai jawapan kepada masalah jantung. (Produk ni dah lama di nanti2 kan oleh semua)

ini adalah artikel yg saya ambil dari http://ir.herbalife.com/releasedetail.cfm?releaseid=543445

April 6, 2010

Herbalife's Niteworks Proven Effective in Clinical Study

Arginine Helps Older Cyclists Improve Performance

LOS ANGELES, Apr 06, 2010 (BUSINESS WIRE) --Avid cyclists over the age of 50 had an improvement in their performance after taking arginine supplements for three weeks, according to a study just published in the International Society of Sports Nutrition.
"As people age, their exercise capacity may decline - leading in turn to a decline in overall fitness that can impact health," noted Luigi Gratton, MD, vice president of medical affairs at Herbalife.

A group of 16 male cyclists, aged 50 to 73 years, were randomly assigned to receive either the supplement (Niteworks; Herbalife International, Los Angeles, CA) containing 5.2 grams of L-arginine, or a look-alike placebo and instructed to continue with their usual cycling regimen over the three week study period.

After three weeks, those taking the supplement had an increase in their anaerobic threshold - the point at which lactate begins to accumulate in the blood, leading to fatigue.
"Arginine is involved in the production of nitric oxide in the body," notes Gratton, "and nitric oxide has been associated with the improvement of exercise performance through its beneficial effects on the vascular system." As people age, production of nitric oxide declines, so the researchers believed that arginine supplementation could support the production of nitric oxide and enhance performance.

The anaerobic threshold of the study subjects was assessed both before and after the three week study period. In those receiving the supplement, their anaerobic threshold increased by 16.7% after one week, and held steady during the three weeks, whereas those in the placebo group experienced no change.

"This indicates a potential role for arginine in improving exercise performance in older subjects," said Gratton, "and improved performance could mean better fitness and healthier lives."

NOTE: The study, conducted at UCLA and funded by Herbalife, used Herbalife's original formula Niteworks. The current product has a slightly different formula, although no changes were made to the active ingredients.

Niteworks was created based on research conducted by Lou Ignarro, Ph.D., who received the Nobel Prize in 1998 for his work on nitric oxide. Ignarro is a member of the company's Scientific and Nutrition Advisory Boards.

klik pada link video ini untuk maklumat lanjut.. bila tengok produk ni, saya boleh nampak muka-muka saudara-mara dan kawan serta orang2 yg rapat dengan saya yang ada masalah jantung. Anda bagaimana? Sebagai orang Islam saya percaya, kalau Allah dah bagi jawapan kepada satu2 masalah, dan kita sendiri tolak pertolongan yang Allah bg, maka itu adalah salah kita sendiri. Jadi, kongsilah maklumat ini bersama sesiapa sahaja yang anda tahu. 

semoga strok bukan masa depan kita..amin



Thursday, 4 August 2011

Mulakan Sekarang! Start Now!


assalamualaikum and hi to all,

Gambar di atas adalah START NOW PACK. 

Terdiri daripada:
Satu set Formula 1 – campuran shake soya berkhasiat tinggi
Satu set Formula 3 – serbuk protein soya dan whey untuk pembentukan tubuh
Satu set Campuran teh herba Tea mix – untuk mempercepatkan pengeluaran bahan buangan badan.
Kombinasi produk-produk ini merupakan kunci kepada kepantasan penurunan berat badan dan pembentukan tubuh seperti yang anda inginkan

Cara Penggunaannya adalah sangat mudah ; 

Untuk menurunkan berat badan dan mengembalikan tenaga anda:
  • Gantikan Sarapan dan Makan Malam dengan HERBALIFE Shake (Satu sudu Formula 1 + satu sudu Formula 3). Nutrisi dan kalori yang dibekalkan daripada shake ini adalah lebih daripada mencukupi bagi tubuh anda. Anda tidak merasa lapar.

  • Nikmati makan tengahari anda seperti biasa.

  • Minum Tea Mix yang menyegarkan 3-4kali sehari pada bila-bila masa yang diperlukan. Anda akan merasa lebih dahaga daripada biasa. Ini kerana sistem tubuh anda memerlukan air untuk membantu membuang bahan-bahan yang kumuhan badan yang lebih banyak daripada biasa. Minum air kosong dengan kuantiti yang lebih banyak. Setiap 25kg berat badan anda memerlukan 1 liter air untuk membolehkannya berfungsi dengan baik.

Set Start Now Pack ini boleh digunakan dengan cara guna berlainan untuk mencapai matlamat:
1. Menurunkan berat badan
Produk yang dicadangkan (Formula 1, formula 3 & tea mix)
2 shake + sekali hidangan
(Sebagai gantian sarapan pagi dan makan malam, Tengahari makan biasa)
Sarapan pagi—milk shake (400ml air kosong+3 sudu besar formula 1)
Tengahari —makan biasa (kurangkan lemak)
Makan malam—milk shake
Membancuh Tea Mix (500ml air kosong+1 sudu kecil tea mix) Minum 4 kali sehari(2000ml)
Tambahan lagi air kosong 2000ml sehari
Keseluruhannya sebanyak 4000ml(4 Liter) utk tempoh sehari.

2. Menambah Berat Badan
Produk Yang Dicadangkan (Formula 1, formula 3 & tea mix)
3 kali shake dan 3 kali makan biasa sehari
Sarapan pagi—milk shake (300ml air kosong+1 sudu besar formula 3 digoncangkan terlebih dahulu, tambahkan 2 sudu besar Formula 1 dan goncangkan sekali lagi)
Hendaklah diambil bersekali sarapan.
Makan Tengahari seperti biasa
selepas makan tengahari Minum shake dalam 30 minit
Makan malam seperti biasa
selepas makan malam Minum shake dalam 30 minit
Membancuh Tea Mix
(500ml air kosong+1 sudu kecil tea mix) Minum 2 kali sehari(1000ml)
Tambahan air kosong sebanyak 2000-300 ml sehari (2-3 Liter)
Keseluruhannya sebanyak 4000ml(4 Liter) utk tempoh sehari.

3. Mengekalkan Berat Badan, Kesihatan Serta Ibu Mengandung
Produk Yang Dicadangkan (Formula 1, formula 3 & tea mix)
2 kali shake dan 2 kali makan biasa sehari
Sarapan pagi—milk shake (400ml air kosong+1 sudu besar formula 3 digoncangkan terlebih dahulu, tambahkan 2 sudu besar Formula 1 dan goncangkan sekali lagi)
Makan tengahar- makan biasa
Makan malam—makan biasa
Sebelum tidur—milk shake
Membancuh Tea Mix (500ml air kosong+1 sudu kecil tea mix)
Minum 2 kali sehari(1000ml)
Tambahan air kosong sebanyak 2000-300 ml sehari (2-3 Liter)
Keseluruhannya sebanyak 4000ml(4 Liter) utk tempoh sehari.
Bagi perempuan mengandung sekiranya tidak mahu mengambil Tea Mix, hendaklah amalkan minum air kosong 3000ml sehari.
(Formula 1 datang dengan pilihan perisa: vanilla, chocolate strawberry, tropical fruit dan cappuccino – anda boleh memesan mengikut perasa kesukaan anda)

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Kenyang Sungguh!


assalamualaikum and hi to all,

sempena bulan puasa ni, dilema yg biasa di alami oleh rata2 umat islam adalah lapar dan dahaga dan KENYANG MELAMPAU...ok mybe bukan org lain la, mybe saya sorg ja kot..hehe

okeh, jadi setiap kali selepas bukak puasa kebiasaan nya akan berazam untuk insaf keesokkan hari nya.. "ok la, azam nk insaf lepas ni xmau makan kenyang2 masa bukak posa"... tp tera tu la..nmpak makanan ja rs mcm semua kena makan..haaaaaaaaaa masalah..

okeh, untuk memperingatkan diri sendir dan berkongsi dengan semua kita sama2 baca petikan yang saya ambil dari halaqah.net:

1. Jangan membanyakkan tidur pada siang harinya dan makan pada malamnya, bahkan bersederhanalah pada kedua-duanya bagi menyelami kejerihan lapar dan dahaga. Dengan demikian sanubarinya terkawal, keinginan nafsunya kurang dan hatinya ceria. Itulah rahsia dan intipati puasa yang perlu dicapai;

2. Jauhkan diri daripada mengikut dorongan nafsu ketika berbuka dengan beraneka jenis makanan yang lazat-lazat. Sebaik-baiknya adat makannya sama sahaja pada bulan puasa dan bulan-bulan yang lain. Penggemblengan diri dalam mengurangkan tuntutan jasmani dan keinginan perasaan memberikan kesan yang positif terhadap kecerahan hati nurani yang amat dituntut terutama pada bulan Ramadan.

Mereka yang menjadikan keinginan nafsu perut sebagai tunggangan akal ketika berbuka yang menyalahi kebiasaan pada bulan-bulan lain sebenarnya terpedaya dengan pujukan iblis. Rayuannya bertujuan menghilangkan barakah (berkat) ibadah puasa mereka, nikmat limpahan ketenangan daripada Allah s.w.t., kekhusyukan diri ketika bermunajat dan berzikir kepada-Nya.KenyangSepatutnya orang yang berpuasa mengurangkan kadar pemakanannya sehingga terserlah kesan puasa itu kepada dirinya. 

Kekenyangan adalah punca kelalaian, kealpaan, keras hati dan malas untuk taat kepada Allah s.w.t..Sabdanya: Takungan jelek yang dipenuhkan oleh manusia adalah kantong perutnya, memadailah baginya beberapa suapan yang dapat meneguhkan tulang belakangnya. Jika dia enggan maka berikanlah sepertiga (bahagian perutnya) untuk makanan, sepertiga kedua untuk minuman dan sepertiga terakhir bagi pernafasannya. (Riwayat Ahmad dan at-Tarmizi)

Terdapat ulama yang mengungkapkan kata-kata berikut: “Sekiranya perutmu kenyang anggota-anggota lain akan lapar (akan menurut turutan nafsu) tetapi sekiranya perutmu lapar kesemua anggotamu akan kenyang.”As-Salaf as-Soleh (mereka yang terdahulu) mengurangkan perkara kebiasaan dan dorongan diri serta memperbanyakkan amal ibadat pada bulan Ramadan secara khusus bahkan itulah adat mereka sepanjang masa;

3. Tidak menyibukkan diri dengan urusan duniawi pada bulan Ramadan, bahkan mengambil kesempatan bagi beribadat kepada Allah dan mengingati-Nya sebaik mungkin. Justeru, dia tidak melakukan perkara duniawi melainkan sekadar keperluan hariannya atau kepada mereka yang berada di bawah tanggungannya. Demikian yang selayaknya dilakukan pada bulan Ramadhan yang mulia ini sama seperti pada hari Jumaat yang sepatutnya dikhususkan bagi amalan akhirat;

4. Mempraktikkan amalan sunah seperti segera berbuka apabila masuk waktunya, berbuka dengan buah tamar (kurma) dan jika ia tiada memadailah dengan segelas air serta melambatkan makan sahur.Nabi s.a.w. berbuka dahulu sebelum Baginda mengerjakan solat Maghrib. Sabda baginda: Umatku sentiasa berada dalam keadaan baik (berkat) selama mana mereka mempercepatkan berbuka (apabila masuk waktunya) dan melambatkan makan sahur. (Riwayat Bukhari dan Muslim);

5. Menyediakan makanan berbuka kepada orang yang berpuasa sekalipun dengan beberapa biji tamar atau segelas air. Sabda baginda s.a.w.: Sesiapa yang menyediakan makanan berbuka bagi orang yang berpuasa baginya ganjaran seumpama pahala orang yang berpuasa tanpa mengurangi sedikitpun pahalanya (orang yang berpuasa). (Riwayat al-Baihaqi dan Ibnu Khuzaimah)

insyaAllah, semoga kita semua terutama nya saya dapat ambil iktibar... amin...

Cara Buat Shake


assalamualaikum and hi to all..

hari ni nk ajar cara buat shake yg sgt sedap ok...sila tonton video ni...

Selamat Mencuba semua...

Fat is Cancer

Too Much Fat can cause Cancer

KUALA LUMPUR: Being overweight or obese exposes an individual to a higher risk of contracting cancer, besides other chronic diseases, experts said yesterday.
Malaysian Nutrition Society president Dr Tee E Siong said excessive fat accumulation in the body increased the risk of getting cancer of the bowel, oesophagus, pancreas, kidney, endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus) and breasts.

“Women with weight problems would have a higher risk of breast cancer post menopause compared with those who maintain a healthy weight,” he said, quoting a World Cancer Research Fund report.

“Although we know that smoking increases the risk of oesophagus cancer, for example, how fat accumulated in certain parts of the body turns to cancer is not clearly known.
“But why take the risk of being a step closer to lifethreatening diseases? “Let’s practise healthy eating and living.” He said that when a group of 1,000 obese people were compared with the same number of those with a healthy weight, more from the first group suffered from chronic diseases, including cancer.

Dr Tee said when a person ate too much, the excess energy was stored as fat.

“Genes do play a role in causing a person to be overweight, but bad eating habits and a lack of physical activities are the major causes.” National Cancer Society of Malaysia chief executive and medical director Dr Saunthari Somasundaram said about 20 per cent of all cancers could be linked to obesity.
Dr Saunthari said: “Obesity is a co-factor in the development of cancer.

“It is not only about the weight; what we eat and how the food is prepared also contribute to this situation.” She said obese women had a 50 per cent chance of contracting breast cancer.

“Fat can store hormones that m ay lead to hormonal cancer.” Dr Saunthari said not all fat or obese people would develop cancer, only that the risk increased as they gained weight.

Read more: Too much fat can lead to cancer http://www.nst.com.my/nst/articles/Toomuchfatcanleadtocancer/Article/#ixzz1TwrOdjUV

Monday, 1 August 2011

Sempena Musim Beranak


assalamualaikum and hi to all, 

A nursing mother produces 23 to 27 ounces of milk per day, containing 330 milligrams of calcium per quart. This requires an extra energy expenditure of at least 500 calories per day. Good nutrition is therefore just as important for you as it is for you baby.

The quality of breast milk is only affected in extreme cases of deprivation, or by excessive intake of a particular food. But the quantity of milk depends very much on the mother's diet. Food absorbed by a nursing mother not only fulfills her own nutritional needs, which are greater during the postnatal period, but also enables her to produce milk. A woman who does not feed herself properly may still have a healthy baby, but it will be to the detriment of her own health. If you lack sufficient nourishment, your body will make milk production its first priority, and your needs will go unmet. It is just the same as it was during pregnancy, when the nutritional needs of the fetus were satisfied before those of the mother. In fact, the baby, who weighs only a few pounds, will receive nearly 1,000 calories per day in breast milk!

What does it mean to feed yourself properly while nursing? We can compare a breast-feeding mother to a marathon runner-whose race will last twenty-four hours, not four.
The Basics
Increase your water consumption by one quart per day, so that you are drinking a total of 2.5 to 3 quarts. Nursing women tend to be thirstier anyway, especially during feeding sessions, because part of their water consumption goes directly to milk production. But don't overdo it: too much liquid also can reduce milk production.

Increase your daily caloric intake to 2,500 calories: you can even eat more if you are planning to continue breast-feeding for more than three months (2,800 calories per day). But again, be careful: many nursing mothers are tempted by sweets. Stick to healthy foods instead! Eat more proteins. The basic rule is to eat I gram of protein each day for every pound you weigh.
Spread your caloric intake over five "meals," breakfast, lunch, after- noon snack, dinner, and an extra snack during the evening. Each snack time is also an opportunity to drink water, eat a low-fat dairy product, and a piece of fruit. As your body is continually producing milk, it needs your caloric intake to be regular.

Stay away from tobacco. Nicotine passes directly through breast milk to the baby. if you cannot control yourself, build in a gap of at least an hour between your last cigarette and your next feeding session, so that the nicotine in your system has a chance to decompose at least partially.

Avoid regular consumption of alcohol. Alcohol passes through milk in less than an hour and if the baby consumes it in large quantities it can retard his growth. if you drink an occasional glass of wine or beer, save it for after a feeding session.

Take no medication without first consulting a doctor. Most antibiotics, sulfa drugs, chemical laxatives, and all products containing iodine are contraindicated while you are breast-feeding. Other medications, taken over a long period, can also be dangerous.

Beware of pollutants. Like nicotine, pesticide residue easily passes through mother's milk. If you are nursing, stay away from insecticides (especially in airborne forms such as aerosols or coils). Try to use natural insect repellents such as citronella. Eat primarily unsaturated fats. Sunflower, corn, rapeseed, and olive oil provide fatty acids that are essential for building the baby's nervous system.

Eat food containing vitamin B 9. In Western countries, the only vitamin really lacking in women's diets is vitamin B 9 (folic acid). Birth control pills accentuate a woman's vitamin B 9 deficit, and may also contribute to a vitamin B 6 deficiency. During pregnancy, folic acid is vital to the development of the baby's nervous system. Nursing mothers are well advised to continue taking their prenatal vitamins. Folic acid also can be found abundantly in asparagus, cabbage, corn, chick- peas, and spinach. Many other foods, such as wheat and orange juice, have been enriched with folic acid. Check the package labels.

InsyaAllah, Hope all mothers out there can benefit from this long-long article..Think about your baby, think about good nutrition. 

email me at emanesmi@hotmail.my to know more about nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding. 

Pengantin Herbalife



ok, entri kali ni akan cerita pasal mcm mana sy first jumpa dgn herbalife. Well, i've always wanted to lose weight, especially when my wedding is just around the corner, tp xtau mcm mana and mmg SANGAT MALAS BERSENAM! my husband is an athlete, dia main all sorts of games..tp isteri x suka sports, but i enjoy cheering for him =) . anyway, i've heard about herbalife for quite some times, so apa lagi dengan kemudahan google, sy pun search for herbalife distributor, and i pun pilih la silently, mcm stalker, utk cari the right person to be my coach. and i found kak fazila. Reason being was, i think she's sincere in helping people, probably sbb dia nmpak positive effects dari herbalife ni to her husband, and baby. so, after few consultation dengan kak fazila, sy pun start ambil shake f1, f3 and tea mix.

alhamdulillah after two weeks dengan diet yg SANGAT LONGGAR, sy berjaya turun 2kg, reduce 0.8% of my body fat and increas 1.7% of my water level. so masa tu sangat lah seronok, sbb spare tayar pun dah kurang...memandangkan berat sy adalah 76 kg and i only took herbalife 2 weeks before my wedding of course la x leh nk expect akan hilang 20kg in 2weeks kan..but alhamdulillah, since dpt consultation dgn my coach, i know the condition of my body better. so rasa lah semangat sikit nk diet and continue ambik product ni.

so on my wedding day, since most of my relative noticed my changes, dorg pun tnya la apa rahsia. plus at that time my mum and dad dah start ambik product ni jugak..i was so busy on my wedding day sbb dok explain to people pasal product herbalife ni and mcm mana dia function dlm badan kita..

moral of the story, if you are a soon to be bride and want to lose weight, please contact me NOW so that you won't have to face the same problem as i did. kita kan nk cantik di hari yang paling bermakna.. =)

contact me now via my email emanesmi@hotmail.my  or my phone number- 0194077475. Cheers!

Berpuasa dan Sihat



Amalan berpuasa adalah satu cara untuk mendetoksifikasikan badan secara semulajadi di mana penyerapan nutrisi dari Herbalife dapat diserap dengan lebih baik.

Di bulan ramadan kadar penurunan berat badan dan pembinaan jisim otot dengan penggunaan produk Herbalife ternyata sangat efektif memadai dengan minuman Shake.

Produk Herbalife memberi tenaga untuk anda melakukan ibadat di bulan ramadan yang mulia ini.

Sila rujuk kepada jadual pemakanan di bawah yang disyorkan: 

MASA : Buka Puasa
CARA PEMAKANAN : Pelbagai makanan berwarna-warni, buah-buahan + Tea Mix
Snek protein (Jika Perlu)

MASA : Malam (10:00PM - 12:00AM)
CARA PEMAKANAN : Formula 1 (2 skup) + Formula 3 (1 skup) dengan jus atau susu soya + buah-buahan bersama 2 gelas air kosong.

MASA : Sahur
CARA PEMAKANAN : Pelbagai makanan berwarna-warni,
buah-buahan + bersama 2 gelas air kosong + Snek protein + Tea Mix


MASA : Sahur
CARA PEMAKANAN : Formula 1 (2 skup) + Formula 3 (1 skup) dengan jus atau susu soya + buah-buahan + 2 gelas air kosong Snek protein (Jika perlu)