Thursday, 29 December 2011

Surat Cinta Buat Mu Isteri

sama-sama kita hayati surat seorang suami yang sedang khuruj fi sabilillah untuk isterinya.. semoga kita semua peroleh manfaat dari mesej-mesej positif yang terkandung dalam surat ini. InsyaAllah. 


Hari ini aku pergi
meninggalkan kamu
meninggalkan anak-anak kita
meninggalkan rumah kita
yang penuh kenangan.
Hari ini aku pergi
kerana perintah dari Dzat
yang telah menancapkan
getaran dihatiku
ketika menatapmu
di saat malam pertama kita
Hari ini aku pergi
untuk menyenangkan hati Seseorang
yang telah korbankan seluruh hidupnya
untuk kebahagiaan kita hari ini
sehingga kamu dan aku
berjumpa dalam keadaan islam
Hari ini aku pergi
untuk menghapuskan luka
Sayyidul Ambia’ Muhammad S.A.W
kerana lautan maksiat
yang telah dibuat oleh orang
yang mengaku sebagai umatnya
Jadi…. wahai isteriku
aku pergi tinggalkan kamu
bukan kerana aku tak menyayangimu
tetapi kerana…
ada mata yang tak mengantuk mngawasi kita
mengawasi cinta kita
ada tangan yang akan menghancurkan kita
ketika cinta kita
melebihi cinta kepadaNya…

Jika esok….
ketika kau terbangun dari tidurmu
kau dapati aku tiada disisimu
maka…cepat lah bertahmid
bukankah Ummul Mu’minin Aisyah r.a
ketika merasa senang
kerana hidup bersama Rasulullah S.A.W
Rasulullah S.A.W katakan:
“Bahawa orang yang paling bahagia adalah orang yang suaminya keluar dijalan Allah
kerana dia bukan hidup dengan kekasih Allah tetapi dia hidup dengan Allah swt”
Jika esok
ketika melihat kamar kita sepi
tiada gurau senda
seperti hari sebelumnya
bayangkan olehmu
bagaimana rumah sahabiah
suami mereka selalu pergi membawa pedang
terkadang tiada khabar
yang ada hanya kubur…
tetapi apa mereka katakan….
biarlah rumah kami sepi
asalkan rumah-rumah diseluruh alam
penuh dengan nur iman
Jika esok….
tiada tangan yang memberi suapan
ketika kau makan
seperti selalu
yakinlah wahai isteriku
Allah swt akan menyuapmu
dengan hidangan yang memiliki 70 rasa di jannah
yang tak akan jadi kotoran yang jijik…
bahkan mngeluarkan keringat melebihi kasturi
Jika esok musibah dan ujian datang kepadamu
dalam kehidupanmu tanpa aku
lihatlah hatimu
kemana kamu berlari?
saat itu Allah swt melihat hatimu..
segeralah berwudhu
dirikan solat
mengadulah kepada Robb mu
kau akan bahagia
di dunia yang sementara
dan akhirat yang kekal abadi
Jika saat itu
kau cari pertolongan dengan kebendaan
itulah kegagalan dalam hidupmu
kau akan menderita selama lamanya
Janganlah kamu bangga
seandainya dapat seluruh dunia dan isinya
tetapi… kamu kehilangan Allah swt
maka itulah kerugian yg besar bagi mu
biar pun…
kau berhasil menjaring Jibril a.s
dan kau boleh perintah mengikut kehendakmu
itu pun bukan kejayaan
jika hari harimu kehilangan Allah swt
orang yang kehilangan Allah swt
kehilangan segala galanya
barangsiapa yang dapat Allah swt
dia dapat segala galanya
Jika esok
kau lihat rumah jiran kita
suara tawa dan keceriaan terdengar dari sana
suami mereka selalu dirumah
tak pernah khuruj fisabilillah
jangan kamu iri…
tetapi kasihanilah mereka..
mereka sedang dalam tangisan dan permusuhan
yang hebat dirumah mereka
dirumah mereka akan datang malaikat maut
menjemput setiap nyawa yang ada
tanpa belas….
walau mereka kata…
jangan ambil isteriku
jangan ambil anakku
takkan ada tebusan sedikit pun
dan tak tertangguh sesaat pun
saat itulah penyesalan datang
Ya Allah kerana kesibukanku dengan dunia
dan memenuhi hajat isteriku
aku lalai dengan perintahmu
aku lemparkan sunah-sunnah Rasul
dan begitu asyik makan minum
bersama anak isteriku
seperti haiwan….

Isteri dan anak-anak pun akan berkata;
wahai suamiku..
mana tanggungjawabmu?
kau tak pernah sirami hatiku dengan nur iman
tak isi buku catatanku
Bayangkanlah oleh mu
bagaimana jika seorang suami
yang hanya pandai mencari duit
apakah buku amalanmu akan brtambah…?
Jadi isteriku…
kepergianku melewati batas negeri
adalah untuk persiapan
pesta yang besar-besaran untuk kebaikan kita bersama
Ahli dunia
yang belum selesai tugasnya
akan gelisah
tak boleh tidur dan makan
Aku pun demikian
tak akan tenang
kerana belum sempurnakan iman
kamu dan anak-anak kita
Aku takut satu hari nanti
dimana bumi dibelah
dan isi dadanya dikeluarkan
sedang Allah swt berfirman; Iman kamu tak diterima….
Walaupun kita menunaikan haji
dan berjuta kebaikan
jika iman tak diterima
maka habislah segala galanya
kerana dalam hati ada selain dari Allah swt
Ketahuilah dunia ini bangkai
dan yang mngejarnya adalah anjing!!
itulah sebabnya..
aku khuruj dijalan Allah
untuk membuang kecintaan pada dunia
mudah mudahan Allah SWT mencintai kita
dan memudahkan perjalanan kita
Ketahuilah bahawa kematian adalah hari raya
bagi orang yang memiliki iman kamil
sedang bagi orang kafir
kematian adalah puasa selama lamanya
Aku tinggalkan kamu
untuk merubah kesedihan
dalam kematian menjadi hari raya yang meriah
maut adalah kenderaan
setiap insan menuju Allah swt
Pada saat itu
apa yg kita perlukan?
bukan harta atau kerajaan
tapi iman dan amal soleh
sedangkan untuk sempurnakan iman
adalah korban mujahadah
harta ,diri dan masa
pada jalan Allah swt
walaupun aku yang maju dihadapan musuh
tetapi kamu yang terlebih dahulu dibukakan pintu syurga
oleh Malaikat Ridwan a.s
kamu akan menunggu 500 tahun
berhias dihadapan cermin emas
dan menjadi ratu kepada 70,000 bidadari
dan malaikat..
Itulah sebabnya…
jangan tertipu dengan wanita dunia
apa pun yang mereka buat
tiada harga disisi Allah swt
jika iman tiada dalam hati..

Malik bin Dinar pernah berkata;
nilai wanita cntik didunia ini
tidak lebih dari biji kurma saja
Maafkan aku..
kerana tak pernah
membawamu ke salon dunia
kerana aku tak mahu kamu ditipu mereka
Baju yang kamu pakai pun
dari bahan yang murah
dan berwarna hitam
menutup wajah manismu
Tapi ketahuilah…
baju itu lebih baik
dari dunia dan seisinya
kerana itulah pakaian isteri seorang raja dunia dan akhirat
iaitu pakaian Ummul Mu’minin
isteri Rasulullah SAW
Jadi, jangan terpesona dengan pakaian ahli dunia
gelang yang mereka pakai
akan dipanaskan dan ditempel dipunggung mereka
gincu yg mereka pakai
akan menarik mulut mereka sampai ke perut
rambut yg didedahkan pada org
akan digantung dan dibakar api dibawahnya
Dan pada hari itu…
tiada lagi siulan yang mengagumi mereka….
mereka berteriak….
alangkah baiknya jika aku berhijab dahulu
aku terfitnah dan menyebar fitnah
Jangan kau tambah ilmumu tentang keduniaan
yang mnyebabkan kamu mencintainya
Aku bangga
jika orang bertanya kepadamu
dimanakah tempat shopping terhebat di sini?
sedangkan kau mengatakan kamu tidak tahu
Sahabiyah r.ha tidak tahu jalan dikampung mereka sendiri
mereka tahu jalan-jalan menuju syurga
itulah sebabnya mereka telah hantar
anak-anak dan suami mereka ke syurga dengan jalan pintas
Teriakan mereka
menjadikan orang seperti Amru Bin Jamuh yang lumpuh
menjadi masyhur di langit
Isteri Amru berkata;
pergilah kamu bersama anak-anak
janganlah kamu menjadi pengecut..
kerana wanita menyeru jihad
telah ramai lelaki menjadi raja di Syurga
Nota kaki
Surat ditulis di Markas Raiwind , Lahore , Pakistan
Penulis : Abu Navisah dan Abu Aviroh Abidah

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Nasihat Untuk Pengantin Perempuan

Alhamdulillah, dalam kesempatan untuk turut dalam muzakarah bersama para ibu tentang nasihat-nasihat untuk wanita, mama ada sebutkan satu nasihat yang saya rasa sangat berguna... semoga kita semua dapat dalami nasihat ini, dan cuba sedaya mungkin untuk menjadi isteri yang terbaik, semoga kita semua dapat berjumpa dengan Khadijah r.a dan bersalaman dengannya. 

Nasihat Untuk Pengantin Baru

Setelah al-Harith bin Amr, raja negeri Kandah berkahwin dengan anak perempuan 'Auf bin Muhlim Asyaibani, di waktu utusan di raja hendak membawa pengantin perempuan untuk disampaikan kepada Raja tadi, maka ibunya berwasiat kepada anak perempuannya ini. Dia berkata:-

"Wahai anakku!

Kalaulah wasiat ini

untuk kesempurnaan adabmu

aku percaya kau telah mewarisi segala-galanya,


Ia sebagai peringatan untuk yang lalai

dan pedoman kepada yang berakal.

Andai ibu-bapamu dapat memberikan segala-galanya


tidak perlu bagimu seorang suami

dan kau terlalu berharga bagi kami,


Wanita dicipta untuk lelaki

Lelaki dicipta untuk wanita.

Bercerailah kau dari ayunan buaianmu

meninggalkan teratak tempat besarmu

melangkah menuju ke alam baru

yang belum kau kenal

yang belum kau biasa

Kau memiliki suamimu

anggap dirimu sebagai hamba

tentunya suamimu

jadi teman yang paling setia

Bawalah wasiat dariku

sepuluh sifat

sebagai bekal perjalanan

menuju alam bahagia

Relakan hatimu

sekadar yang ada

semoga suci hatimu

dengan taat setia

dan hulur tanganmu

tanda mahu berganding bahu

jauhkan dirimu dari

segala yang jelek

yang dihidu atau dipandang mata

juga awasi gerak-lakumu

agar tidak sumbang mengguris rasa

Sembunyikan suram wajahmu

gantikan ia dengan sinar

secerah sang suria pagi

Dan badan yang semerbak harum

Bermandikan bauan

Mata berpasak, kening bercelak

Itu menambah seri

Itu membangkitkan berahi


Air cukup memadai

Bagi yang tiada

Jaga masa makannya

Juga waktu tidurnya


Perut kosong hilang bicara

Mata mengantuk hilang kesabaran di dada

Kunci mulutmu

Tabahkan hatimu

Badanmu terselamat

Jiwa temanmu tidak terseksa

Simpan dulu kerianganmu

Di kala dia berduka

Pendamkan kesedihanmu

Di kala dia bergembira

Akibat aksi tidak senada

Hilang simpatimu di sebab pertama

Keruh suasana di sebab kedua

Hulur tanganmu…

Andai kau menghulur sebelah tangan

Nescaya dia menghulur kedua belah tangan

Tidak cukup tangan, nyiru pula ditadahkan


Kasihmu tidak sampai ke mana

Jika hatimu berdua tidak sejiwa

Kasih kau, kasihlah dia

Benci kau, bencilah dia

Allah saja yang menentukan nasibmu." 

"Kau bawalah wasiatku ini, dan sampaikan salamku kepada suamimu." Beginilah ibu tadi menambah pesan kepada anaknya. Seterusnya wanita itu telah mencapai kedudukan yang mulia di sisi suaminya. Dia telah memperoleh tujuh orang anak lelaki, yang kesemua mereka telah menjadi pemerintah negeri Yaman selepas ayah mereka. Beginilah seterusnya status wanita-wanita yang memiliki kelebihan.

semoga semua bakal pengantin dan saya sendiri dapat mengambil iktibar dari nasihat ini, azam untuk amalkan... semoga perkahwinan kita semua di rahmati Allah sampai ke syurga.. Amin.

Friday, 25 November 2011




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Thursday, 24 November 2011

An Ideal Muslim Husband.



today i just wanna share an article that i found while i was on my daily blog-walking routine..

An Ideal Muslim Husband
The sincere true Muslim abides by the clear, unambiguous texts of the Qur’an which command him to treat women fairly and decently. He cannot be other than an ideal husband, so his wife enjoys his gentle company and close companionship, no matter how long they stay together. When he comes home, he greets his wife and children with a smiling face and extends to them the blessed greeting that Allah has enjoined and made the distinctive greeting of Islam:
فَإِذَا دَخَلْتُم بُيُوتًا فَسَلِّمُوا عَلَىٰ أَنفُسِكُمْ تَحِيَّةً مِّنْ عِندِ اللَّهِ مُبَارَكَةً طَيِّبَةً ۚ كَذَ‌ٰلِكَ يُبَيِّنُ اللَّهُ لَكُمُ الْآيَاتِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تَعْقِلُونَ
 “. . . . But if ye enter houses, salute each other – a greeting of blessing and purity as from Allah. Thus does Allah make clear the signs to you: that ye may understand…” (Surah Noor 24:61)
Rasulullah (SAW) encouraged Anas (RA) to use this greeting: “O my son, when you go home greet your family with salaam: it will be a blessing for you and your family.”
It is truly a great blessing for a man to meet his family with a pleasant greeting, for it contributes to a happy, friendly and pleasant atmosphere. He should lend a hand if he sees that his wife needs his help, and he should say some words of comfort if he feels that she is complaining of tiredness, weariness or boredom. He should make her feel that she is living with a strong, generous, tolerant husband who will protect her and care for her, who cares about her and will meet all her legitimate needs as long as he is able.  He should also satisfy her femininity by making himself attractive to her within Islamic limits and should give her a share of his time and interest. He should not let his study, work; hobbies, responsibilities or friends take up all of his time and keep him from her. Islam guarantees woman’s right to enjoy her husband to the extent that it even tells the husband not to spend all his time in worship, which is the best and most honorable of deeds, lest the balance and equilibrium upon which this religion is based be disturbed. We see this in the report of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn al-‘Aî (RA), who says that when, Rasulullah (SAW) learned of his overzealousness in worship, he said to him:  “Have I not heard that you fast all day and stay up all night in prayer?” ‘Abdullah said, “That is true, O Messenger of Allah.” Rasulullah (SAW) told him: “Do not do that. Fast and break your fast, sleep and get up. For your body has a right over you, your eyes have a right over you, your wife has a right over you, and your visitors have a right over you.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
Khawlah, the daughter of Hakim, who was the wife of ‘Uthman ibn Maz‘un (RA), came to the wives of Rasulullah (SAW) wearing a tattered dress and looking unkempt. They asked her, “What is wrong with you?” She told them about her husband: “At night he stays up in prayer, and during the day he fasts.” They told Rasulullah (SAW)  what she had said, so when he saw ‘Uthman ibn Maz‘un, he admonished him and said, “Do you not have an example in me?” ‘Uthman said, “Of course, may Allah cause me to be sacrificed for you!” Later, she (Khawlah) came back wearing fine clothes and with a pleasant scent. According to another report, Rasulullah (SAW) told him: “O ‘Uthman, monasticism has not been prescribed for us. Do you not have an example in me? For by Allah I am the one out of all of you who fears Allah the most and keeps most strictly within His bounds.” Rasulullah (SAW) used to instill this guidance in his Companions and showed them how to achieve fairness and balance between their spiritual lives and their private lives with their spouses, until this fairness and balance became second nature to them. Then they would encourage one another to adhere to it, and would appeal to the Prophet (S.A.W.) if one of their numbers sought to go beyond the limits and was becoming extreme in his asceticism, self-denial and worship.
Imam Bukhari narrated that Abu Juhayfah (RA) said:  “Rasulullah (SAW) established brotherhood between Salman and Abul-Darda’. Salman visited Abul-Darda’ and saw Umm al-Darda’ looking unkempt. He asked her, “What is the matter with you?” She said, “Your brother Abul-Darda’ has no need of this world.” Abul-Darda came and made some food for him, and told him: “Eat; I am fasting.”  Salman said, “I will not eat until you eat,” so he ate. That night, Abul-Darda’ wanted to spend the night in prayer, but Salman told him to sleep, so he went to sleep. Then he wanted to get up, but Salman again told him to sleep. In the last part of the night, Salman told him, “Now get up.”  So they prayed, and Salman told him: “Your Rabb has a right over you, your soul has a right over you, and your wife has a right over you, so fulfill your duty to each one who has a right over you.”  Abul-Darda’ came to Rasulullah (SAW) and told him about what had happened, and Rasulullah (SAW) said: “Salman is right.”
A conscientious Muslim does not neglect to relieve the tedium of routine life with his wife, so he spices their daily life with a little gentle humor and playfulness from time to time. In doing so, he follows the example of Rasulullah (SAW) whose whole life is the highest example for us. Although he was constantly busy with the overwhelming task of laying the foundations of Islam, building the Muslim Ummah, directing the army in jihad, and numerous other concerns, he did not let that keep him from being an ideal husband to his wives, treating them in the best possible way, with a smiling face and a touch of gentle humor.  An example is the report given by Ayesha (RA) who said: “I came to the Prophet (S.A.W.) with some harirah (a dish made with flour and milk) that I had cooked for him, and told Sawdah (RA) as Rasulullah (SAW) was sitting between me and her – “Eat.” She refused, so I said, “Either you eat, or I will fill your face!” She still refused, so I put my hand in the harirah and daubed her face with it. Rasulullah (SAW) laughed, put some harirah in her hand, and told her: “Do the same to her!” In another report: “He lowered his knee (moved out of the way) so that she could get her own back on me, then she took some from the plate and wiped my face with it, and Rasulullah (SAW) smiled.”
Is this not an example of tolerance and an easy-going nature which makes a wife happy through a humorous and light-hearted attitude? Ayesha (RA) reported that once, when she went on a journey with Rasulullah (SAW) she challenged him to a race, and won. Later, when she had gained weight, she raced him again, but this time he won, and told her, “This is for that.”
The generous-hearted Rasulullah (SAW) was so keen to make his beloved young wife feel happy that he would call her to enjoy some innocent kinds of entertainment that would gladden her heart. Ayesha (RA) reports that on one occasion Rasulullah (SAW) was sitting and he heard some noise from people and children outside. There was a group of people gathered around some Abyssinians who were dancing. He said, “O Ayesha, come and see!” I put my cheek on his shoulder and looked through the gap. Then he said, “O Ayesha, have you had enough, have you had enough?” I said, “No,” just to see how much I meant to him, and I saw him shifting his weight from one foot to the other” (i.e. he was tired, but he was willing to stay as long as she wanted to watch the spectacle.) In another report, Ayesha (RA) said:  “By Allah, I saw Rasulullah (SAW) standing at the door of my room, when some Abyssinians were playing with spears in the mosque. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) screened me with his cloak so that I could watch the spear-play over his shoulder. He stayed there for my sake, until I had seen enough. So pay attention to young girls’ need for entertainment.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
When a husband he sees the example of Rasulullah (SAW) kind behavior, generosity and good humor towards his wives, the true Muslim cannot but treat his wife kindly and gently, with an easy-going attitude, so long as this is within the limits of permissible and innocent entertainment.  The true Muslim does not overreact and become angry for trivial reasons, as many ignorant husbands do, creating uproar if their wives offer them food that is not to their liking, or their meal is a little late, or any of the other reasons which often cause an inordinate amount of anger, arguments and trouble between the spouses. The Muslim who is truly following the example of Rasulullah (SAW) always remembers aspects of his character that remind him to be generous, kind and tolerant. So he remembers that one of the characteristics of Rasulullah (SAW) is that “He never criticized food. If he liked it, he ate it, and if he did not like it, he simply left it.” (Bukhari and Muslim)
A husband should remember that Rasulullah (SAW) asked his family for some simple food he could eat with bread. They told him, “We have nothing apart from vinegar.” He asked them to bring it and said, “How good a simple food is vinegar, how good a simple food is vinegar.” (Muslim)
Let them listen to this hadith, those foolish husbands whose eyes flash with anger at their wives’ mistakes, when their food is a little late or not to their liking. Their poor wives may have genuine, pressing reasons for making these mistakes, but these husbands become angry without caring to know those reasons, on the basis of an incorrect understanding of the phrase “men are qawwamun over women”!
A true Muslim husband does not stop at showing kindness and generosity towards his wife, but he extends his respect and kindness towards her decent (female) friends. This is in accordance with the practice of Rasulullah (SAW) Ayesha (RA) narrated:  “An old woman came to Rasulullah (SAW) and he smiled at her, showed her respect, and asked her, “How are you? How have you been doing?” She answered, “I am fine, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you, O Messenger of Allah.”  When she had left, Ayesha (RA) said, “Why did you welcome this old woman so warmly, in a way that you do not welcome anyone else?” Rasulullah (SAW) replied, “She used to come and visit us when Khadijah was alive. Do you not know that honoring the ties of friendship is part of faith?” A wife may become angry for any reason, and keep away from her husband, making him feel her anger. In this case, the Muslim husband responds with tolerance and kindness, based on his deep insight into the psychology and nature of woman, as Rasulullah (SAW) used to treat his wives whenever they were angry with him and kept away from him all day until night fell.
Umar ibn al-Khattaab (RA) said: “We Quraish used to have control over our women. When we came to Medina we found a people whose women had control over them, and our women began to learn from their women. I used to live in al-‘Awali, among Banu Umayyah ibn Zayd. One day my wife was angry with me, and was arguing with me. I did not like this, but she told me, “Do you not like me arguing with you? By Allah, the wives of Rasulullah (SAW) argue with him. They get angry and keep away from him all day, until night falls!” So I went to see Safiya and asked her, “Do you argue with Rasulullah (SAW)?”She said, “Yes.” I asked her, “Do you get angry and keep away from him all day until night falls?” She said, “Yes.” I said, “The one who does that is doomed to loss! Do you not fear the anger of Allah on the account of the anger of His Prophet? Soon you will be condemned! Do not argue with the Messenger of Allah, and do not ask him for anything. Ask me for whatever you need.” (Bukhari, Muslim, al-Tirmidhi and al-Nasa’i) Umar (RA) came to Rasulullah (SAW) and told him about what had happened in his house, and the conversation he had with Safiya, and Rasulullah (SAW) smiled. A Muslim should develop this tolerant attitude, so that he will be following the example of Rasulullah (SAW) in his behavior and deeds. Then he will be living proof that Islam is the religion of a superior lifestyle; and that the misery, disintegration, confusion and anxiety that individuals, families and societies are suffering from are caused by man’s ignorance and misconceptions of the noble values promulgated by Islam. These are precious principles which, if adopted by the husband, would put an end to arguments and divisions in family life, and would bring peace, stability, happiness and security to the home.
One of the most successful husbands hence the smart Muslim husband is one of the most successful husbands ever, and the most beloved to his beloved wife, because of his adherence to the guidance of Islam. He has a deep and compassionate understanding of her nature and psychology, and he directs her towards the straight path of Islam, which is in complete harmony with the true nature of mankind. He recognizes her inclinations, desires and moods, and tries to reconcile between them and the ideal life filled with love with the wife that loves him.